Our Story
When brainstorming ideas for our kids play area at home, we spent endless hours looking for something that we realized didn't exist.
We wanted something that would be cozy enough for our kids to sit and relax on, but also something that didn't take up much room and looked stylish. A traditional couch was going to take up too much play room and was also quite expensive.
The best option we could come up with was a futon mattress so we settled for that. It served the purpose of something to sit on, but it was really heavy, impossible to clean, and definitely wasn't stylish. It was also more expensive than we had budgeted.
We thought there had to be a better alternative, but there really wasn’t anything out there that we could find. We knew we couldn't be the only parents facing this challenge and we knew we had to do something about it.
This is where we came up with the idea for Kiddie Couch! We were on a mission to create something that was small, stylish, cozy, entertaining, and cost-effective - the Kiddie Couch!
Not only is the Kiddie Couch now the perfect place for our kids to sit and relax on, it is also the centre of entertainment for their playroom!
We hope you and your little ones get as much cozy relaxation and imaginative play from your Kiddie Couch as we do from ours!
